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[Infographic] 12 Undeniable Facts of Why Your Website Should be Responsive

By now, you must know that mobile Internet usage has surpassed that of desktop access.  Right?  You do know that?  If you are still straddling the fence on if you should update your Web design to be responsive to tablets, smartphones and other new mobile devices yet to be imagined(!), our team compiled 12 undeniable facts you need to consider to understand that having a mobile website is no longer simply a nice feature; it is a necessity that will literally impact the growth of your business.

12 facts on why having a responsive website design is crucial to your busines.

Last modified onWednesday, 27 July 2016 16:25
Dawn Sanders

Dawn has been involved with all things Web since 1993, with, yes, a 486 PC!  Does anyone remember when CoffeeCup HTML Editor launched back in 1996?? Anyone???

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